
Get the maximum out of it with the least effort.

Efficiency is your be-all and end-all.
We come to grips with it for your.

As a freelancer, you have chosen personal flexibility. A flexibility that company IT projects also rely on. You know: that marketing yourself and simultaneously working on client projects is a double burden.

This is where we come onto the scene. As a certified company, we handle the entire administrative burden for you, while you simply concentrate on your work. Payroll enables you to combine the freedom of your own entrepreneurship with the advantages of the employment relationship.

We of course have all the necessary approvals and certificates. Our various memberships ensure for you that all contracts are legally compliant and all regulations followed.

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Product screenshot

Our Services

  • Drafting and administering of employment contracts
  • Taking care of the necessary insurance
  • Calculating AHV, IV, EO, ALV, child allowances, cantonal source tax
  • Provision of payroll accounting
  • Processing wage payments

Your Benefits at a Glance

  • Flexibility
  • Complete freedom in entrepreneurial activity
  • Accident and health insurance


Many exclusive benefits for active GHR Group candidates.

Full Service IT Experts Recruiting”

Tanja Schwaiger
Teamleader HR

GHR Team Tanja Schwaiger