
Are you looking for an additional area of engagement?

Your employees have spare capacity.
We place your IT experts in more projects.

Does your company currently have spare resources and can make several employees available for a project? Then you are at exactly the right place with Global Human Resources! With our service partner program we offer you the opportunity to create a balance in less busy times, in order to increase your business’ productivity. This results in economic benefits and as employees you gain valuable additional experience.

Das Bild zeigt eine Hand in welcher ein Licht aufgeht. Davon strahlen abstrakte knotenähnliche Verbindungen.
Product screenshot

Accredit your company to us and if you and your colleagues become candidates you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • You and your colleagues will be given preferential treatment
  • We will always be available in an advisory capacity
  • In case of successful placement in a project, you get access to our Memberworld

Requirements for a service partnership:

  • The service partner must be a legal entity (joint stuck or limited liability company)
  • There must be at least 3 salaried employees and ideally you will have already worked together on projects.

Have we aroused your interest, or do you have questions about the service partnership? We look forward to your company recommendation.


Many exclusive benefits for active GHR Group candidates.

Full Service IT Experts Recruiting”

Tanja Schwaiger
Teamleader HR

GHR Team Tanja Schwaiger